Read it. Write it. Learn it.
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Welcome to Read it. Write it. Learn it. Really, I believe teaching ELA is that simple: when students read and write as well and as much as possible, they become better readers and writers and the magic of learning takes place! On this site, I will share tools that will help you to motivate, engage, and empower your students to read and write more than you ever imagined. The best part: the tools you find here will save you TIME as well!


As a 22 year teaching veteran in 7th-12th grade classrooms, I've learned some tricks of the trade. The biggest lesson my students have taught me is that being motivated to learn leads to the most success. Having fun in the classroom is key, especially in the middle grades. Teachers, you don't have to do anything fancy or do cart wheels in front of your class: this site is all about engaging learners with authentic, empowering content. Sometimes, all it takes is a good book! I've learned that when lessons are standards based and easily measurable, students are aware of their learning and begin focusing on their learning and growth more than their grades. I truly believe that shifting not only my own mindset but that of my students towards GROWTH equates to the most meaningful learning experiences. 


Last, good teaching is all about EMPOWERING our students as readers and writers. My students will quote me as saying, "There is no such thing as a person who doesn't love reading. They just haven't found the right book." My mission is to give students the tools they need to succeed without me. Teach them how to find the just-right books. Teach them how to navigate the world of grammar. Teach students that their voices MATTER. Teachers, you matter, too. This blog is intended to give you tools to feel empowered, too. I hope it helps you on your journey. You are not alone!


Enjoy!  You are doing one of the most important jobs on earth!






I love connecting with teachers through writing. Check out some of my most recent publications: 


My book: Writing Prompts for Kids


11 Reasons Teaching Middle School is the Best Job Ever


5 Downloadable Vocabulary Activities that Make Learning Stick


8 Ways to Get Middle School Students to Care About Their Grades


How I Created Flexible Seating for Next to Nothing


How to Use Revision Stations in the Writer's Workshop


In The News


NPR Interview


Our Refugee Experience Project in the news!




Use the form below to contact me about collaborations and consultation ideas. I would love to connect!



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  • Learn and grow together: I know we're better when we can collaborate in a judgement-free space where we can ask questions, share ideas, and share resources... and maybe occasionally vent! 


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